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A member registered Jun 21, 2022

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Unless the plan changes, no

it also has an english patch. it doesn't translate everything like Unity but most of the stuff is translated.

check it in the description of this video

The Ultimate Clicker - In Reward Level? (Randomly accessed after beating Aurora Icefield 30. Replay it over and over ‘til you get it), keep clicking any of the seed packets until you get the achievement.

The Broken Black Mirror - After beating Foggy 14, rapid click the black mirror that dropped to break it.

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Be mindful of the special objectives. Round 2 asks you not to leave any ice holes at the end of each round from there on. Round 3 and 4 ask you to minimize destructive damage (use as few explosive plants as possible, this includes the likes of Doom-shroom, Cherry Bomb and Bamboom, but does not include Potato Mine or Bamberry).

If you see the message “Too much damage was dealt to the ice surface…” that means you messed up. Simply follow what those objectives say and you won’t have to worry about the consequences.

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Just a reminder, the developer got a job recently and won't continue developing any more fan projects for the time being. Whether this project will continue to be updated or not is uncertain, the future of the project is unknown, and whether you regard this as a cancelled project and go play something else instead, or the developer being on a super long hiatus, is up to you. It's sad indeed, but as a fan project that's way too ambitious like this, these things are bound to happen.

P.S. You can still check for updates from the developer on his bilibili: